“The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the world.”
Imaging Truth, Transparency, and Trust with Blockchain
I bring a mature perspective of a world where blockchain technology is a foundational technology that make new business models possible. I have developed an extensive network of blockchain experts who are blazing the path toward a world where commerce is safer, responsible, cost efficient, and more connected. Contact me to learn more about the basics of blockchain.
Data Science Quarterly Professional Journal
I’m helping Dr. Thomas Miller launch Data Science Quarterly, a new professional journal that promotes data science as a discipline, showing its relevance to social and political discourse. Data Science Quarterly combines the best attributes of academic journals and popular news magazines. Its articles draw on high-quality empirical research written in clear, concise language that anyone can understand. I am currently serving as associate editor and regularly contribute articles.
Building the Case for E-Voting
In October of 2022, I presented The Case for E-Voting at the fall Northwestern University School of Professional Studies Symposium. The presentation included a deep dive into the Voatz solution, a blockchain-based remote voting option. He also highlighted the e-voting experience of Estonia, a country where almost 50% of votes are cast remotely. Click below to view the presentation.